Sunday, August 9, 2009

They Only Come Out At Night

Last night, Becky and I decided to have a lovely girls night of a movie (Julie & Julia), going to the bat house, and then for some frozen yogurt. I couldn't get any pictures of the bat house, but I got a few videos from my camera.

It was amazing!

I can not believe I have lived here this long and this is the first time I have seen the bats come out at night. I am definitely going to go back again one night.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! That's a lot of bats! So that must be how you found my searched for bats?! Today he did not want to leave the shelter of my umbrella. He was gently coaxed away by a broom. (I said gently!) I do understand that bats are valuable for eating skeeters and maybe I will look into the bat house idea. They must migrate south in the winter...or do they hibernate? I'm in Michigan, so it's very cold here in the winter. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)
