Hello my friends and family! Long time, no post. Most of the things that I have been thrifting lately have been clothes which, for the longest time, I didn't intend to post in this blog. However, I miss posting so much that I figured I might as well post the clothes as well. Right now, all I have to show is this $6.00 house dress from Goodwill. It has one pocket in the front and is very comfortable. I only wear this around the house as a little play/cleaning dress.
(model face)Now, onto the problem at hand. I bought this table on craigslist a while back. I love the shape to it (semi circular with three legs), but hate the color. I am unsure if I intend to use it as a vanity, or if I want to turn it into a writing desk. Either way, I am 99.9% sure I am going to paint it (once I figure out how). I am thinking it would look lovely in a cream/eggshell color ... but all monochrome. Sort of like this.
I wouldn't want any other tints or shading or anything like that to show (like it does now). Also, I have a mirror that I was going to hang outside that I might possibly use inside if I do indeed use it as a vanity. I don't know. I need your help. Which do you like better? You may click to enlarge any of these pictures.
Here is the table as a vanity.

Detail of the mirror.
Detail of the front drawer and top of the desk. It looks like this fake leather/crackled but it is pretty smooth. I have no idea what it is made of. Does anybody have any idea how to paint something like this? Would I just have to slap some paint on or do you think I would have to do anything special?

Here is the table as a writing desk.
Also, while I am asking for advice, I need some help with which color to paint the bedroom. I love everything about this house, except the carpeting. It is industrial type purplish color carpeting. Yuck! Currently the walls are an off-white slightly pinkish color with white trim. I would love to hear your suggestions as to paint color. The only thing I can think of is maybe a light lavender. The walls need to be painted pretty badly as there are patch marks all over the wall when our landlords moved out.

Any and all help/inpute is appreciated.